Friday 20 September 2013

Recipe for Depression

Today is not a good day.
Today I am not inspired to neither continue the previous post or get out of bed. I cannot say I'm not inspired to write because I am in fact writing this post. I'm still deciding if it is because I'm feeling slightly sick or slightly depressed. Maybe both.

Anyways, I think the difference between a good day and not so good day lies in the first thought one has in the morning. That first vision or feeling or saying to yourself when you open your eyes. Where I live is cloudy a lot of the time so at times waking up to see a grey sky is not the best of starts. But today I woke up thinking about someone who died recently, If I should have called that person more often and if it would have made any difference. Then I just felt a bit bad with myself and then like not moving...

So, to summarise, here's the recipe for depression:

- A bunch of self-defeating thoughts
- A pinch of guiltiness
- Anxiety al gusto.
- Some drops of self-pity.
- Low mood/lack of energy seasoning


1. Let the very first thought that go through your mind be something gloomy. It can be a memory from something you have done wrong, or it can also be a feeling of imminent doom.
2. Add up a bit of annoyance since its not the first time its happening and its happening again.
3. Feel that you are slipping lower and lower into your bed, feeling like nothing good will happen to day.
4. Keep on mulling on those things you haven't accomplished and never will accomplished.
5. Think on the things you are not accomplishing right now and mix some anxiety/stress in.
6. Check Facebook and think of  all those people who are happier than you could ever be or have what you could never have. Compare yourself and think of yourself as a proper loser. In fact, think that this only happens to you and only you.
7.  Do not get out of bed, feel tired or with lack of energy and start again from step number 2.

Feel free to add your own ingredients to give that personal touch.

Enjoy and be miserable!

Keep posted.

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